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There are many things that you might be missing:

  • When doing catkin_make make sure that you have done catkin_make --force-cmake -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" otherwise the Eclipse configuration files are not going to be there ( I assume this is OK). To validate this, in your build/ folder there should be two files: .cproject and .project.

  • I assume you are following the IDEs tutorial exactly as they say (regarding how Eclipse should be installed). Specially, regarding how you launch Eclipse. In my case, I have a EclipseROS.desktop file in~/.local/share/applications/ that looks as follows:

    [Desktop Entry] Name=Eclipse 4 Type=Application Exec=env SWT_GTK3=1 bash -i -c "/opt/eclipse/eclipse" Terminal=false Icon=/opt/eclipse/icon.xpm Comment=Integrated Development Environment NoDisplay=false Categories=Development;IDE; Name[en]=EclipseROS Name[en_US]=EclipseROS

And my .bashrc constains source~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash`.

  • Finally, simply browse in your build/ folder, do not go down to the package folder, because is in build where the Eclipse configuration files .cproject and .project are generated (at least for catkin_make, for catkin tools a couple of files is generated for every package).

There are many things that you might be missing:

  • When doing catkin_make make sure that you have done catkin_make --force-cmake -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" otherwise the Eclipse configuration files are not going to be there ( I assume this is OK). To validate this, in your build/ folder there should be two files: .cproject and .project.

  • I assume you are following the IDEs tutorial exactly as they say (regarding how Eclipse should be installed). Specially, regarding how you launch Eclipse. In my case, I have a EclipseROS.desktop file in~/.local/share/applications/ that looks as follows:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Eclipse 4
Exec=env SWT_GTK3=1 bash -i -c "/opt/eclipse/eclipse"
Comment=Integrated Development Environment


And my .bashrc constains source~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash`.

  • Finally, simply browse in your build/ folder, do not go down to the package folder, because is in build where the Eclipse configuration files .cproject and .project are generated (at least for catkin_make, for catkin tools a couple of files is generated for every package).