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Hi, there's quite a lot of things to do. I did them in this package. You can start trying to launch this file that just starts a Turtlebot with an arm (and other stuff) in the same playground scenario used on turtlebot navigation demos.

You will have to install quite a lot of dependencies.... If you want to use all my stuff from the beginning, follow this README to replicate my workspace. If not, well, just borrow the parts you need and install the dependencies roslaunch will complain about, or better use rosdep to install them in a blow.

Probably I'll miss something, but as far as I can remember, you need:

  • xacro file that includes both a turtlebot and a turtlebot arm (mine is here)
  • xacro file with all the extra information gazebo needs to control the turtlebot arm, like controller plugins and transmissions (mine is here)
  • spawn ROS controllers as described in a yaml file (mine is here)

Good luck!