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Yes amusing you can use modbus. I am doing the same thing myself. I am almost done with a modbus driver for ros that runs over serial and Ethernet. You can simply have ROS read a register and write to one to set the velocity. I am using the Precision 2000 PLC from automation direct and have gotten a refresh rate of 20 registers at around 50Hz over Ethernet. Look out on my github in the next few weeks for me to publish it.

Yes amusing you can use modbus. I am doing the same thing myself. I am almost done with a modbus driver for ros that runs over serial and Ethernet. You can simply have ROS read a register and write to one to set the velocity. I am using the Precision 2000 PLC from automation direct and have gotten a refresh rate of 20 registers at around 50Hz over Ethernet. Look out on my github in the next few weeks for me to publish it.

Update: I finished the PLC driver you can download it from here.