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initial version

Problem: When installing and compiling the pointgrey_camera_driver (as part of a tutorial or otherwise) cmake fails to build the package, giving an error similar to the one above.

Cause: pointgrey_camera_driver requires the Point Grey SDK, which cmake will automatically try to download it if cannot detect the SDK already on your system. However (and I may be wrong in this, so please correct me if I am), if the SDK version has changed and the pointgrey_camera_driver cmake file has not been updated to reflect this, the SDK will not install properly and the header files will not be present. This will cause cmake to crash during compilation, producing the error seen above.

Solution: Manually install the SDK version you need. In the pointgrey_camera_driver source files, open pointgrey_camera_driver/cmake/download_flycap and look for a section of code similar to this:

'x86_64': (
    '', (

This will tell you what version of the SDK cmake is expecting and where to get it. Then:

  1. Follow the url
  2. Log in (there will likely be a email and password just above this segment of code that you can use)
  3. Download the SDK and unpack it
  4. Open the readme file and it will guide you through the installation process
  5. Re-download the pointgrey-camera_driver files and compile them.

Cmake should now recognize the SDK version you've just installed and skip trying to download it from the Point Grey website. This should fix the problem.