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My guess is that your bagfile is missing the tf messages that describe the transform between the robot's frame and the LiDAR's frame (see "Required tf transforms" here: It sounds like that transform may be the identity transform in your case. So just have a static_transform_publisher handle this base_frame to LiDAR frame transform.

You most definitely DON'T need that map-to-my_frame static_transform_publisher. The SLAM node is responsible for publishing the map to odom transform.

My guess is that your bagfile is missing the tf messages that describe the transform between the robot's frame and the LiDAR's frame (see "Required tf transforms" here: It sounds like that this transform may be is not only static but also the identity transform in your case. So just have a static_transform_publisher handle this base_frame to LiDAR frame identity transform.

You most definitely DON'T need that map-to-my_frame static_transform_publisher. The SLAM node is responsible for publishing the map to odom transform.

My guess is that your bagfile is missing the tf messages that describe the transform between the robot's frame (base_frame) and the LiDAR's frame (see "Required tf transforms" here: It sounds like this transform is not only static but also the identity in your case. So just have a static_transform_publisher handle this base_frame to LiDAR frame identity transform.

You most definitely DON'T need that map-to-my_frame static_transform_publisher. The SLAM node is responsible for publishing the map to odom transform.