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Following this guide and adapting it to Ubuntu, I was able to solve the same problem. Prepare ROS libraries and anaconda environment for raspberry-pi

conda versions of ros and catkin packages are very old. remove them and install them with pip.

if you get an error during pip install -U rosdep rosinstall_generator wstool rosinstall six vcstools,

install setuptools using `conda install setuptools'.

If rosdep update fails, reinstall catking_pkg with pip.

Referring to this might also help, but instead of deleting the folder as it says, I reinstalled catkin_pkg: problem-with-catkin_make

Following this guide and adapting it to Ubuntu, I was able to solve the same problem. Prepare ROS libraries and anaconda environment for raspberry-pi

conda versions of ros and catkin 's packages are very old. remove them and install them with pip.

if you get an error during pip install -U rosdep rosinstall_generator wstool rosinstall six vcstools,

install setuptools using `conda install setuptools'.

If rosdep update fails, reinstall catking_pkg with pip.

Referring to this might also help, but instead of deleting the folder as it says, I reinstalled catkin_pkg: problem-with-catkin_make

Following this guide and adapting it to Ubuntu, I was able to solve the same problem. Prepare ROS libraries and anaconda environment for raspberry-pi

conda versions of ros and catkin's packages are very old. remove them and install them with pip.

if you get an error during Do:

pip install -U rosdep rosinstall_generator wstool rosinstall six vcstoolsvcstools

if you get an error during this, install setuptools using `conda

conda install setuptools'.


If rosdep update fails, reinstall catking_pkg with pip.

Referring to this might also help, but instead of deleting the folder as it says, I reinstalled catkin_pkg: problem-with-catkin_make