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Try to execute: rospack profile

It is possible that you package has not been added yet to ROS's package list, the above command will explore the packages in your workspace and build the new list.

Try to execute: rospack profile

It is possible that you package has not been added yet to ROS's package list, the above command will explore the packages in your workspace and build the new list.

After that try to launch your test again.

Try to execute: rospack profile

It is possible that you package has not been added yet to ROS's package list, the above command will explore the packages in your workspace and build the new list.

After that try to launch your test again.

Also, if the launch file that you attached is a "copy&paste" of your actual file, it will not work because there is syntax errors.


  <node name="soundplay_node" pkg="sound_play"  type=""
  <node name="test" pkg="test' type="test"/>


  <node name="soundplay_node" pkg="sound_play"  type=""/>
  <node name="test" pkg="test" type="test"/>