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There are not many runtime performance monitoring solutions for ROS. You can look at the following tools:

  • rqt_top It's similar to top for ROS nodes running locally on your machine. It requires a graphical desktop environment to run since it only monitors the local machine it is running on.
  • drums I wrote this tool two years ago. It should do what you are looking for both at host and process level. The documentation is far from perfect, but I may be able to assist you get it to run on your machine. You can log the data both to rosbag and to a time series database.
  • arni This is similar to drums but with better documentation. The main difference is drums does not rely on ROS for gathering the statistics and also implements its own light-weight publish/subscribe middleware to collect and store the performance metrics.

There are not many runtime performance monitoring solutions for ROS. You can look at the following tools:

  • rqt_top It's similar to top for ROS nodes running locally on your machine. It requires a graphical desktop environment to run since it only monitors the local machine it is running on.
  • drums I wrote this tool two years ago. It should do what you are looking for both at host and process level. The documentation is far from perfect, but I may be able to assist you get it to run on your machine. You can log the data both to rosbag and to a time series database.
  • arni This is similar to drums but with better documentation. The main difference is drums does not rely on ROS for gathering the statistics and also implements its own light-weight publish/subscribe middleware to collect and store the performance metrics.metrics. Unlike drums, arni comes with some fault recovery mechanisms built-in.