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You probably bought an "Astra Pro" camera, not a regular "Astra". The Astra Pro camera doesn't have an RGB camera that's integrated with OpenNI2. Instead, it has a regular Video4Linux webcam. This means that from ROS's point of view, there are two completely separate devices: One OpenNI2 depth camera without RGB (that's launched via astra.launch), and one V4L camera (you can use the usb_cam ROS driver for this).

This is the output of an Astra Pro:

$ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 2bc5:0403  
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 2bc5:0501  

The 2bc5:0403 device is the OpenNI2 depth camera, the 2bc5:0501 device is the regular Video4Linux/UVC RGB webcam.