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This reminds me of #q242778. See if the answer there helps you.

This reminds me of #q242778. See if the answer there helps you.


Could not load controller 'seven_dof_arm_joint_controller' because controller type 'position_controllers/JointTrajectoryController' does not exist.

Can you check two things:

  1. do you have the appropriate ros-controllers packages installed?
  2. did you build the workspace into which you copied the code and have you sourced the appropriate setup.bash file?

This reminds me of #q242778. See if the answer there helps you.


I have already seen it, and did all what was said there. Unfortunately, it didn't help.

Running rosdep check .. did not install any additional packages?

Could not load controller 'seven_dof_arm_joint_controller' because controller type 'position_controllers/JointTrajectoryController' does not exist.

Can you check two things:

  1. do you have the appropriate ros-controllers packages installed?
  2. did you build the workspace into which you copied the code and have you sourced the appropriate setup.bash file?