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If you wanna check if the publisher is working, you can do "rostopic echo +<topic_name>" on a sourced console, it should display the data from your publisher.

as for the the subscriber, you can check who is subscribed to the topic by "rostopic info +<topic_name>"

I see that you are not using absolute topic names. the susbcriber will add the name of this node handle to the topic when you do node.subscribe.(<"topic_name">) try node.subscribe(<"/topic_name">) with the "/" before the topic name.

using absolutes topic names is a bad practice, but this will get you going. after you can do remaps on the launch file and get all fancy.

Good Luck!

your topic names are not matching, the subscriber is listening to "position", and your publisher is publishing to "falconPos" they need to match.

If you wanna check if the publisher is working, you can do "rostopic echo +<topic_name>" on a sourced console, it should display the data from your publisher.

as for the the subscriber, you can check who is subscribed to the topic by "rostopic info +<topic_name>"

I see that you are not using absolute topic names. the susbcriber subscriber will add the name of this node handle to the topic when you do node.subscribe.(<"topic_name">) try node.subscribe(<"/topic_name">) with the "/" before the topic name.

using absolutes topic names is a bad practice, but this will get you going. after you can do remaps on the launch file and get all fancy.

Good Luck! Luck!