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  1. The example configuration file is just meant to show how to configure the node. Which sensor inputs you specify are totally up to you. In other words, yes, you are free to delete and add whichever of the inputs (e.g., pose0, twist0, etc.) that you want. The only requirement the node has is that you have at least one input.
  2. What kind of robot do you have? If you are running with two_d_mode set to true, I would recommend that you fuse the pose or velocity for every 2D pose variable (i.e., X, Y, and yaw). In other words, you need something measuring Y and/or vY. You don't need to change the covariance values for the unused 3D variables, as the node automatically fuses "fake" zero measurements for those variables with small covariances.
  3. No, the node does that for you, hence the parameter. You should not have to modify any C++ code in order to use the package. If your robot has a very different kinematic model to the one the package uses, then you might want to make a new FilterBase-derived class, but I wouldn't recommend that unless you need it.
  4. Again, you are not meant to modify any C++ code for the node to work. The ekf_localization_node is all you need. Just configure it by specifying parameters in the config and launch files, and away you go. Note that in ROS, all the software packages are available as binaries, so requiring users to modify C++ code wouldn't work.
  5. Yes. robot_localization adheres to REP-103 and REP-105.
  1. The example configuration file is just meant to show how to configure the node. Which sensor inputs you specify are totally up to you. In other words, yes, you are free to delete and add whichever of the inputs (e.g., pose0, twist0, etc.) that you want. The only requirement the node has is that you have at least one input.
  2. input.
    1. What kind of robot do you have? If you are running with two_d_mode set to true, I would recommend that you fuse the pose or velocity for every 2D pose variable (i.e., X, Y, and yaw). In other words, you need something measuring Y and/or vY. You don't need to change the covariance values for the unused 3D variables, as the node automatically fuses "fake" zero measurements for those variables with small covariances.
    2. No, the node does that for you, hence the parameter. You should not have to modify any C++ code in order to use the package. If your robot has a very different kinematic model to the one the package uses, then you might want to make a new FilterBase-derived class, but I wouldn't recommend that unless you need it.
    3. Again, you are not meant to modify any C++ code for the node to work. The ekf_localization_node is all you need. Just configure it by specifying parameters in the config and launch files, and away you go. Note that in ROS, all most of the software packages are available as binaries, so requiring users to modify C++ code wouldn't work.
    4. Yes. robot_localization adheres to REP-103 and REP-105.