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I will pose the answer for myself. After looking at the document of visualization_msgs, I notice that uint8 DELETEALL=3 is used in Kinetic but commented in Indigo. I think this change caused the visualization problem between two different versions of ROS.

I will pose the answer for myself. After looking at The reason is the document of visualization_msgs, I notice that uint8 DELETEALL=3 MD5Sum value for visualization markers is used in Kinetic but commented in Indigo. I think changed for different ROS distributions. Here are the steps to fix this change caused the problem (example: use Kinect rviz to display Indigo visualization problem between two different versions of ROS.markers)

1 . Find the MD5Sum for Indigo. (Go to /opt/ros/indigo/include/visualization_msgs/Marker.h, find the MD5Sum value, which is 18326976df9d29249efc939e00342cde)

  1. Change MD5Sum for Kinect. (Go to /opt/ros/Kinect/include/visualization_msgs/Marker.h, replace the MD5Sum with the value in Indigo distribution)

  2. Download Kinetic Rviz source files to your workspace and compile it. (The newly compiled Rviz will use this modified Marker.h file, which has Indigo's MD5sum, to compile)

Now you should have a re-compiled Kinetic version of Rviz to visualize markers that are sent from Indigo.

I will pose the answer for myself. The reason is that the MD5Sum value for visualization markers is changed for different ROS distributions. Here are the steps to fix this problem (example: use Kinect rviz to display Indigo visualization markers)

1 . Find the MD5Sum for Indigo. (Go to /opt/ros/indigo/include/visualization_msgs/Marker.h, find the MD5Sum value, which is 18326976df9d29249efc939e00342cde)

  1. 18326976df9d29249efc939e00342cde) 2. Change MD5Sum for Kinect. (Go to /opt/ros/Kinect/include/visualization_msgs/Marker.h, replace the MD5Sum with the value in Indigo distribution)

  2. distribution) 3. Download Kinetic Rviz source files to your workspace and compile it. (The newly compiled Rviz will use this modified Marker.h file, which has Indigo's MD5sum, to compile)

Now you should have a re-compiled Kinetic version of Rviz to visualize markers that are sent from Indigo.

I will pose the answer for myself. The reason is that the MD5Sum value for visualization markers is changed for different ROS distributions. Here are the steps to fix this problem (example: use Kinect rviz to display Indigo visualization markers)

1 . Find the MD5Sum for Indigo. (Go to /opt/ros/indigo/include/visualization_msgs/Marker.h, find the MD5Sum value, which is 18326976df9d29249efc939e00342cde) 2. 18326976df9d29249efc939e00342cde)

  1. Change MD5Sum for Kinect. (Go to /opt/ros/Kinect/include/visualization_msgs/Marker.h, replace the MD5Sum with the value in Indigo distribution) 3. distribution)

  2. Download Kinetic Rviz source files to your workspace and compile it. (The newly compiled Rviz will use this modified Marker.h file, which has Indigo's MD5sum, to compile)

Now you should have a re-compiled Kinetic version of Rviz to visualize markers that are sent from Indigo.

I will pose the answer for myself. The reason is that the MD5Sum value for visualization markers is changed for different ROS distributions. Here are the steps to fix this problem (example: use Kinect rviz to display Indigo visualization markers)

  1. 1 . Find the MD5Sum for Indigo. (Go to /opt/ros/indigo/include/visualization_msgs/Marker.h, find the MD5Sum value, which is 18326976df9d29249efc939e00342cde)

    1. Change MD5Sum for Kinect. (Go to /opt/ros/Kinect/include/visualization_msgs/Marker.h, replace the MD5Sum with the value in Indigo distribution)

    2. Download Kinetic Rviz source files to your workspace and compile it. (The newly compiled Rviz will use this modified Marker.h file, which has Indigo's MD5sum, to compile)

    Now you should have a re-compiled Kinetic version of Rviz to visualize markers that are sent from Indigo.