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Hello sep_vanmarcke,

If you are still looking for options to learn and develop for Drones, I strongly recommend you to try this another video:

It's shown there how you can have a simulation running in a few seconds, without the need of installation of configuring your local machine.

It's also presented the basics of a gazebo parrot ardrone simulation. You'll be able to program and send high level commands to the robot in a few minutes.

I hope it can help you,


Hello sep_vanmarcke,

You can use the SJTU_DRONE simulation, it's available here in this link:

Basically, this simulation provides to you the following features:

Sensor topics

forward looking camera : /drone/front_camera/image_raw

downward looking camera: /drone/down_camera/image_raw

sonar data: /drone/sonar

laser range data: /drone/laser

If you are still looking for options to learn and develop for Drones, I strongly recommend you to try want a tutorial, there's this another video:video to follow and see it working:

It's shown there how you can have a simulation running in a few seconds, without the need of installation of configuring your local machine.

It's also presented It presents the basics of a gazebo parrot ardrone simulation. You'll be able to program and send high level commands to the robot in a few minutes.

It's using RDS, but if you want to have it in your own machine, you can clone here:

Clone, install the dependencies and compile it.

It's using ROS indigo and gazebo 7.

Some features of the simulation:

Takeoff and Landing topics:

/drone/takeoff (std_msgs/Empty)

/drone/land (std_msgs/Empty)

Topics to switch between control modes:

/drone/posctrl (std_msgs/Bool)

/drone/velctrl (std_msgs/Bool)

Velocity or position commands:

/cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)

I hope it can help you,

