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Yes, a node can listen to a topic while two nodes are Broadcasting to this topic. ROS topic allow one-to-one, one-to-one, many-to-many and many-to-one connections.

And no, There no way to identify the node a specific Message was received from. The data centric publish subscribe pattern in general does not Care about Sender and receiver but only about the data. You can define a custom message Type where each node can add an identifier dir itself to the message but there is no generic way.

Yes, a node can listen to a topic while two nodes are Broadcasting to this topic. ROS topic allow one-to-one, one-to-one, many-to-many and many-to-one connections.

And no, There no way to As pointed by @gvdhoorn you can identify the node a specific Message was received from. The data centric publish subscribe pattern Sender using message Events in general does not Care about Sender and receiver but only about the data. You can define a custom message Type where each node can add an identifier dir itself to the message but there is no generic way.tcpros.