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1 | initial version |
There is apparently no offical version for Bionic yet, which makes sense at is not even in a beta stage yet.
However it seems that some version of ROS is now directly available from the official Ubuntu repo. You can install for instance sudo apt-get install ros-desktop-full
(without version string indigo/kinetic in the package name)
$ apt-cache madison ros-desktop-full
ros-desktop-full | 1.8 | bionic/universe amd64 Packages
ros-desktop-full | 1.8 | bionic/universe i386 Packages
If someone has more information about the rationale and further plans for that integration and its implications on the deployment of the different ROS releases I would be thankful.
2 | No.2 Revision |
There is apparently no offical version for Bionic yet, which makes sense at is not even in a beta stage yet.
However it seems that some version of ROS is now directly available from the official Ubuntu repo. You can install for instance sudo apt-get install ros-desktop-full
(without version string indigo/kinetic in the package name)
$ apt-cache madison ros-desktop-full
ros-desktop-full | 1.8 | bionic/universe amd64 Packages
ros-desktop-full | 1.8 | bionic/universe i386 Packages
If someone has more information about the rationale and further plans for that integration and its implications on the deployment of the different ROS releases I would be thankful. thankful.