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1) The "frame rate" of Gazebo (the rate at which it's drawn to screen) is based on your computer's hardware. Gazebo runs two threads, a physics thread and a render thread. The physics thread's update rate can be set in the .world
2) ROS queues all incoming messages until nodes are able to service those callbacks. This queue length is specified in the constructor of a subscriber.
3) If by "different client libraries" you mean, "can you use C++ and Python for different nodes in the same graph?", then the answer is yes. You may be some nodes in C++ and some in Python with no problem at all.
4) I will omit this for someone more with more Gazebo knowledge.
5) It is not recommended to have a node subscribe to and publish to the same topic. You should have two different topics for this. Since you cannot know which node publishes a certain message on a topic, you could cause a lot of confusion doing this.