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Hello StanSmooth, I'm not sure about the compatibly issue, I don't believe it's the problem. Because the Gazebo files in the rrt_exploration_tutorials package are for Gazebo 7. (I tested them on ROS indigo with Gazebo 2 and ROS kinect with Gazebo 7).

what's the difference between these two files

The first (short one) file only defines one model, which is named "floor", and it only defines some properties like "collision" and "visual". So it only has one model.

The second one, is the same except it has more models defined (I saw the complete file) and it also defines other things like lighting and so on.

how can i use the second one on my simulation ?
If you look at one of the .world files provided, for exmaple this one: "", you will see it needs certain files on your computer. For example, in Line 90 it defines the "table" model, and in the "visual" tag, it assigns a material for it (line 130):

<uri>file://media/materials/scripts/gazebo.material</uri> <name>Gazebo/Grey</name>

This file "gazebo.material" should be on your computer and in the same directory indicated, otherwise Gazebo will not be able to find it...

Those files are provided, but you have to download them and put them in the right place.

Hello StanSmooth, I'm not sure about the compatibly issue, I don't believe it's the problem. Because the Gazebo files in the rrt_exploration_tutorials package are for Gazebo 7. (I tested them on ROS indigo with Gazebo 2 and ROS kinect with Gazebo 7).

what's the difference between these two files

The first (short one) file only defines one model, which is named "floor", and it only defines some properties like "collision" and "visual". So it only has one model.

The second one, is the same except it has more models defined (I saw the complete file) and it also defines other things like lighting and so on.

how can i use the second one on my simulation ?

If you look at one of the .world files provided, for exmaple this one: "", you will see it needs certain files on your computer. For example, in Line 90 it defines the "table" model, and in the "visual" tag, it assigns a material for it (line 130):

<uri>file://media/materials/scripts/gazebo.material</uri> <name>Gazebo/Grey</name>

This file "gazebo.material" should be on your computer and in the same directory indicated, otherwise Gazebo will not be able to find it...

Those files are provided, but you have to download them and put them in the right place.

Hello StanSmooth, I'm not sure about the compatibly issue, I don't believe it's the problem. Because the Gazebo files in the rrt_exploration_tutorials package are for Gazebo 7. (I tested them on ROS indigo with Gazebo 2 and ROS kinect with Gazebo 7).

what's the difference between these two files

The first (short one) file only defines one model, which is named "floor", and it only defines some properties like "collision" and "visual". So it only has one model.

The second one, is the same except it has more models defined (I saw the complete file) and it also defines other things like lighting and so on.

how can i use the second one on my simulation ?

If you look at one of the .world files provided, for exmaple this one: "", you will see it needs certain files on your computer. For example, in Line 90 it defines the "table" model, and in the "visual" tag, it assigns a material for it (line 130):

<uri>file://media/materials/scripts/gazebo.material</uri> <name>Gazebo/Grey</name>151:


This file "gazebo.material" "book_cover.dae" should be on your computer and in the same directory indicated, otherwise Gazebo will not be able to find

Those files are provided, but you have to download them and put them in the right place.