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1 | initial version |
I use the following function to create box in the gazebo world. It is here, but why it is not visible? I can not see it, but sure it is in the gazebo world with name and position information. The step: 1.I download the object.urdf 2. I use : rosrun gazebo urdf2model -f object.urdf -o object.model 3. Based on the talker program package, I add the gazebo package
The in the function I define the following: gazebo::SpawnModel sm;
std::ifstream ifs;"object.model");
sm.request.model_name = "box";
ifs >> sm.request.model_xml;
sm.request.initial_pose.position.x = 4.0;
sm.request.initial_pose.position.y = 4.0;
sm.request.initial_pose.position.z = 1.0;
sm.request.initial_pose.orientation = tf::createQuaternionMsgFromYaw(0.0);
sm.request.reference_frame = "";
ros::service::call( "/gazebo/spawn_gazebo_model", sm );
So I do not why we can not see it but it is in the gazebo world?
2 | fix format |
I use the following function to create box in the gazebo world. It is here, but why it is not visible? I can not see it, but sure it is in the gazebo world with name and position information. The step: 1.I download the object.urdf 2. I use : rosrun gazebo urdf2model -f object.urdf -o object.model 3. Based on the talker program package, I add the gazebo package
#include <gazebo/SpawnModel.h>
#include <gazebo/urdf2gazebo.h>
#include <tf/transform_datatypes.h>
The in the function I define the following:
gazebo::SpawnModel sm;following:
gazebo::SpawnModel sm;
std::ifstream ifs;"object.model");
sm.request.model_name = "box";
ifs >> sm.request.model_xml;
sm.request.initial_pose.position.x = 4.0;
sm.request.initial_pose.position.y = 4.0;
sm.request.initial_pose.position.z = 1.0;
sm.request.initial_pose.orientation = tf::createQuaternionMsgFromYaw(0.0);
sm.request.reference_frame = "";
ros::service::call( "/gazebo/spawn_gazebo_model", sm );
So I do not why we can not see it but it is in the gazebo world?