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1-Apply Windows 10 Anniversary Update 2-Open "Programs and Features" from Control Panel 3-Open "Activate or deactivate Windows function" from the left menu 4-Check "Windows Subsystem for Linux (Beta)" and press OK 5-Reboot 6-Press "Settings" (near "Power") in the start menu 7-Press "Update and Security" 8-Press the "Developer mode" radio button for "Developer" 9-Reboot 10-Open command prompt 11-Type 'bash' and press Enter Follow the instructions on the screen and enter your user name and password: 12-go to 13-Download and install Ubuntu 14-Install ROS Kinetic from this link: 15-Download "Public Domain Releases" version from Xming X Server for Windows - Official Website : 16-open one terminal (type bash and press Enter in windows command prompt) and type roscore 17-open another terminal and type export DISPLAY=:0 and press enter then type rviz