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The global planner of the navigation stack makes use of a costmap to make its global plan, provided by the costmap_2d plugin. You can change the parameters that are provided to costmap_2d to take the footprint of the robot into account, by either specifying the robot_radius or robot_footprint parameter.

You can see how this could be done by taking a look at the turtlebot_navigation package, specifically how parameters are passed to the move_base_node in the move_base.launch.xml file.

In this package, the robot_radius parameter is set in the costmap_common_parameters.yaml file.

The global planner of the navigation stack makes use of a costmap to make its global plan, provided by the costmap_2d plugin. You can change the parameters that are provided to costmap_2d to take the footprint of the robot into account, by either specifying passing the robot_radius or robot_footprint parameter. parameter to the move_base_node when you launch it.

You can see how this could be done by taking a look at the turtlebot_navigation package, specifically how parameters are passed to the move_base_node in the move_base.launch.xml file.

In this package, the robot_radius parameter is set in the costmap_common_parameters.yaml file. file.