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The quick fix would be to just publish a static transform from base_footprint
→ bot1_tf/bot1/base_footprint
, like this:
rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 base_footprint bot1_tf/bot1/base_footprint 10
The more elegant solution would be to make the node that publishes odom
→ base_footprint
to publish odom
→ bot1_tf/bot1/base_footprint
instead. It looks like that node is called bot1/turtlebot3_core
. In the launch file that launches that node, try adding the following parameter:
<param name="tf_prefix" value="bot1_tf/bot1/" />
If that doesn't work, read the documentation or source code for that node to figure out if there is a parameter that allows you to set the output frame to bot1_tf/bot1/base_footprint