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I noticed a couple of things in your launch file:

/odometry/filtered is a topic published by EKF Localisation and not a frame. Remapping it to /odom makes it available on the topic /odom which can be used by laser_scan_matcher.

You do not need these static transform publishers between map and odometry/filtered/. The transform between map -> odom will be published by gmapping.

I am not sure what your base_link is called as you have also used it as the name of a static_transform_publisher and also the name of your base_frame. You need to provide a transform between laser_frame -> base_link, with a static transform publisher. In your case base_frame to base_link (or however you call it in your URDF file).

You also need a transform between base_link and odom. If you want to use Laser Scan Matcher for this transform, change your base_frame to base_link

I noticed a couple of things in your launch file:

/odometry/filtered is a topic published by EKF Localisation and not a frame. Remapping it to /odom makes it available on the topic /odom which can be used by laser_scan_matcher.

You do not need these static transform publishers between map and odometry/filtered/. The transform between map -> odom will be published by gmapping.

I am not sure what your base_link is called as you have also used it as the name of a static_transform_publisher and also the name of your base_frame. You need to provide a transform between laser_frame -> base_link, with a static transform publisher. In your case base_frame to base_link (or however you call it in your URDF file).

You also need a transform between base_link and odom. If you want to use Laser Scan Matcher for this transform, change your base_frame to base_link

Hope this helps!