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initial version

Ideally you should not be required to run any node or launch file to get openni tracker started. ROS openni tracker is a stand alone node. As far as /tf topics are concerned they will only be published once the node has started tracking the user. You can monitor the console output of the program and when it says 'started tracking user #' then /tf topics will be published.

No change is required in 'camera_frame_id' , keep it to 'openni_depth_frame' and while visualizing in rviz keep your fixed/reference frame to 'openni_depth_frame'.

Just in case you want to visualize the pointcloud/depth/rgb images along with /tf skeleton tree , just change the 'camera_frame_id'

string frame_id("openni_depth_frame");

pnh.getParam("camera_frame_id", frame_id);


string frame_id("openni_rgb_optical_frame"); // what ever you want here

pnh.getParam("camera_frame_id", frame_id);

Hope it helps, you might want to checkout my posts about other issues while get these things running [] :-)