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To officially answer:
Thanks to Dirk Thomas's comment I think the problem is using rosrun autocompletion is causing the bash shell IFS to be overwritten. If I start a new terminal:
user@locahost:~$ echo -n "$IFS" | od -abc
0000000 sp ht nl
040 011 012
\t \n
user@localhost:~$ rosrun m
map_msgs message_generation move_base_msgs
user@localhost:~$ echo -n "$IFS" | od -abc
Using _colcon_pthon_executable variable in local_setup.bash script to find out what version of python colcon is using (in my case python3), and depending on what shell you are using (bash) edit the file :
This file is used by the colcon python module to generate the relevant part of install/local_setup.bash. When IFS is overwritten the loop to construct package names fails because string is not tokensied properly.
By using a while read -r _colcon_package_name; do .... done <<< "$_colcon_ordered_packages to iterate the string can be successfully tokenised and then sourced using the appropriate package.bash script
# source package specific scripts in topological order
while read -r _colcon_package_name; do
# setting COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX avoids relying on the build time prefix of the sourced script
_colcon_prefix_bash_source_script "$COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX/share/${_colcon_package_name}/package.bash"
done <<< "$_colcon_ordered_packages"