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I can't tell you what is best, but you can speed up rgbdslam significantly by

  • decreasing the feature count parameters
  • decreasing the "geodesic_candidates" and "min_sampled_candidates"
  • setting the kinect driver to QVGA (e.g., using dynamic_reconfigure)
  • compile in "Release" configuration

However, the first three options will impact the accuracy.

I can't tell you what is best, but you can speed up rgbdslam significantly by

  • decreasing the feature count parameters
  • decreasing the "geodesic_candidates" and "min_sampled_candidates"
  • setting the kinect driver to QVGA (e.g., using dynamic_reconfigure)
  • using SIFTGPU features, if you have a GPU, ORB otherwise
  • compile in "Release" configuration

However, the first three options and using ORB will impact decrease the accuracy.