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Hello :) It took me nearly one full day but I can offer you a solution :D

First at all (as hint) Fuerte and/or rosdep 2 does not look anymore in any rosdep.yaml file !!! (sry I have already closed that link)

I've worked it out with the following steps: 1. I've downloaded the base.yaml and gentoo.yaml files (which you can easily find if you look into /etc/ros/rosdep/sources.list.d/20-default.list) 2. modify the gentoo.yaml file with your needed expressions like for libjpeg: libjpeg: gentoo: portage: packages: jpeg 3.Copy the files to your own webserver or any other place in the web 4. then modify the /etc/ros/rosdep/sources.list.d/20-default.list to link to your modified files 5. make a rosdep update to take the changes and gratulations 6. now it will find the defined gentoo files :D

Hopefully it works for you as well :)

Bye, SIegfried