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I guess if you launch executable it will run everything you wrote there, without determining which node to start. So you should write three different executables for each node or one executable with parameter - in that case your executable will run single desired node depending on parameter value.

I guess if you launch executable it will run everything you wrote there, without determining which node to start. So you should write three different executables for each node or one executable with parameter - in that case your executable will run single desired node depending on parameter value.

EDIT. I don't remember what actually node_name parameter do, but I can imagine it replaces names of each node you launch with this launch_ros.actions.LifecycleNode. I.e.

visualizer_node = launch_ros.actions.LifecycleNode( node_name='visualizer', package='modulo_core', node_executable="modulo_core_test_cartesian", output='screen')

runs three nodes called /visualizer.