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initial version

It is warning you that you have two directories which are detected to be the "ros" stack. And as that stack is special cased, having two copies of ros is not supported, and can lead to very unexpected behavior depending on which version is first in the configuration. To fix the problem, edit your rosinstall file to remove the version of ros which you do not want to use. (Usually /opt/ros/DISTRO/stacks/ros)

It is warning you that you have two directories which are detected to be the "ros" stack. And as that stack is special cased, having two copies of ros is not supported, and can lead to very unexpected behavior depending on which version is first in the configuration. To fix the problem, edit your rosinstall file to remove the version of ros which you do not want to use. (Usually /opt/ros/DISTRO/stacks/ros)

Also although it errors, it does complete it's operation.