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Wow. You found a really old package. I'm actually not sure if ROS' Clojure support is still maintained and it looks like it has never been ported to Google's new rosjava. I guess berkley-ros-pkg is down because it doesn't exist anymore.

Since rosclj is pretty old, probably not maintained anymore and incompatible with the rosjava version you installed, I don't think it's a good idea to still try to use it unless you want to invest a lot of time porting it. You might be able to find the rosclj sources in an old revision of one of Willow Garage's ROS repositories if you really want to try.

As far as I know, rosclj was just a wrapper around rosjava plus a few utility functions to control the robot. Not that much code I think. If you want to use Clojure together with ROS and it should be fairly simple to use Java libraries in Clojure, you should be able to communicate through ROS without rosclj but by just using Clojure and the new rosjava. TF integration and an action client library are still not finished, but will come in the near future.

If you want to use ROS together with Common Lisp, you can use roslisp. It is still maintained and we provide a native implementation of tf and actionlib.