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@Mackou Thank you for sharing rosbag.

The same problem occurred on my PC. This rosbag is a simulation environment, right? There is a problem that the simulation environment has too few features compared to the real environment, and matching does not work well.

It may be improved by adjusting the parameters. The following parameters worked well in my environment for reference. (resolution default 1.0 → 3.0)

rostopic pub --once --latch /config/ndt_mapping autoware_config_msgs/ConfigNDTMapping "header:
  seq: 0
  stamp: {secs: 0, nsecs: 0}
  frame_id: ''
resolution: 3.0
step_size: 0.1
trans_epsilon: 0.01
max_iterations: 30
leaf_size: 1.0
min_scan_range: 5.0
max_scan_range: 200.0
min_add_scan_shift: 1.0"