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The page you link to is very old (note the "last edited 2013-06-11" at the bottom right).

It is a page with notes from the very earliest beginnings of ROS 2, where multiple different middleware and (de)serialisation libraries and frameworks were being investigated.

The current design of ROS 2 is (partly) documented on The wiki page you link to probably was in the end used to write ROS on ZeroMQ and Friends and ROS on DDS.

I want to publish my proto message. I tried few things but I couldn't succeed.

Protobuf is not used in ROS 1, nor in ROS 2.

There is no official support for Protobuf messages in either ROS version.

There is a(n ongoing) discussion about this over in ros/ros_comm/issues/1085, but personally I don't see this happening in ROS 1. Some of the comments on that issue point to user-created extensions or packages that enable the use of Protobuf, perhaps you could take a look at them.

The page you link to is very old (note the "last edited 2013-06-11" at the bottom right).

It is a page with notes from the very earliest beginnings of ROS 2, where multiple different middleware and (de)serialisation libraries and frameworks were being investigated.investigated (edit: I've updated the page to clearly state this: diff).

The current design of ROS 2 is (partly) documented on The wiki page you link to probably was in the end used to write ROS on ZeroMQ and Friends and ROS on DDS.

I want to publish my proto message. I tried few things but I couldn't succeed.

Protobuf is not used in ROS 1, nor in ROS 2.

There is no official support for Protobuf messages in either ROS version.

There is a(n ongoing) discussion about this over in ros/ros_comm/issues/1085, but personally I don't see this happening in ROS 1. Some of the comments on that issue point to user-created extensions or packages that enable the use of Protobuf, perhaps you could take a look at them.

The page you link to is very old (note the "last edited 2013-06-11" at the bottom right).

It is a page with notes from the very earliest beginnings of ROS 2, where multiple different middleware and (de)serialisation libraries and frameworks were being investigated (edit: I've updated the page to clearly state this: diff).

The current design of ROS 2 is (partly) (at a high-level) documented on The wiki page you link to probably was in the end used to write ROS on ZeroMQ and Friends and ROS on DDS.

I want to publish my proto message. I tried few things but I couldn't succeed.

Protobuf is not used in ROS 1, nor in ROS 2.

There is no official support for Protobuf messages in either ROS version.

There is a(n ongoing) discussion about this over in ros/ros_comm/issues/1085, but personally I don't see this happening in ROS 1. Some of the comments on that issue point to user-created extensions or packages that enable the use of Protobuf, perhaps you could take a look at them.