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To break that down a bit:

  • ROS/program

Depending on what you’re doing, an RPI can potentially handle that. The nav stack has been shown multiple times on a raspberry pi for a sufficiently small environment / hobbyists. You’d have to tell us what you’re doing or running to know if that’s sufficient.

  • Gazebo

Gazebo doesn't even run 100% realtime often on my 6th gen i7. If using simulation time, things should work fine anyway just take longer. This is an intensive physics simulator (and if you run GUI, it gets real slow, real fast). Do not run this on embedded boards, there’s no purpose like you’ve found. This is a desktop or cloud application and it’ll take a bunch of memory on disk.

  • rviz

Same(ish) as gazebo. That’s a desktop application. Not nearly as heavy and I’m certainly guilty of doing that on occasion but you should avoid it. If the RPI is your robot computer, your main computer should connect to it and do rviz for data viewing.

On compute “minimum” that’s going to be application specific. Please let us know what you’re up to. But an i3 for basic application should be fine. An i5/i7 for processing depth and/or images. If you use alot of GPU, and Jetson lines may be good, but only some CPU cores.

To break that down a bit:

  • ROS/program

Depending on what you’re doing, an RPI can potentially handle that. The nav stack has been shown multiple times on a raspberry pi for a sufficiently small environment / hobbyists. You’d have to tell us what you’re doing or running to know if that’s sufficient.

  • Gazebo

Gazebo doesn't even run 100% realtime often on my 6th gen i7. If using simulation time, things should work fine anyway just take longer. This is an intensive physics simulator (and if you run GUI, it gets real slow, real fast). Do not run this on embedded boards, there’s no purpose like you’ve found. This is a desktop or cloud application and it’ll take a bunch of memory on disk.

  • rviz

Same(ish) as gazebo. That’s a desktop application. Not nearly as heavy and I’m certainly guilty of doing that on occasion but you should avoid it. If the RPI is your robot computer, your main computer should connect to it and do rviz for data viewing.

On compute “minimum” that’s to do all of this is going to be application specific. Please let us know what you’re up to. But an i3 for basic application should be fine. fine (no gazebo). An i5/i7 for processing depth and/or images. images (and gazebo). If you use alot of GPU, and Jetson lines may be good, but only some CPU cores.

cores (no gazebo). You probably want a desktop tower to not get a mobile processor if you need to do all on one machine and aren’t actually deploying a robot.