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Well, I think I found the issue. Somehow, I thought that the camera was displaying along the Z axis of the camera joint frame. When I am the orientation of the camera joint frame, I can see that the camera shows the robot from a different angle. I guess there is something fundamental that I don't understand about how the camera plugin actually works, and how to set up its position, and view angle.

Well, I think I found the issue. Somehow, I thought that the camera was displaying along the Z axis of the camera joint frame. When I am change the orientation of the camera joint frame, I can see that the camera shows the robot from a different angle. I guess there is something fundamental that I don't understand about how the camera plugin actually works, and how to set up its position, and view angle.

Well, I think I found the issue. Somehow, I thought that the camera was displaying along the Z axis of the camera joint frame. When I change the orientation of the

For people that are not clear with how the camera frame works, here is what I found:

The camera joint frame, I can see that the camera shows the robot from a different angle. I guess there is something fundamental that I don't understand is what you should care about to position/orient the camera. The link is only for visualization, and actually does not influence how the camera plugin actually works, looks at the scene.

The camera is looking in the direction of the X vector of the camera joint frame. The Y vector is in the direction of the width of the image, and how the Z vector is in the direction of the height of the image.

So what is really important to set up its position, the camera is to set the joint origin tag xyz and view angle.

rpy parameters correctly.

More precisely, this part:

  <joint name="camera_joint" type="fixed">
    <axis xyz="0 1 0" />
    <origin xyz="${camera_x} ${camera_y} ${camera_z}" rpy="${camera_roll_angle} 0 ${camera_yaw_angle}"/>
    <parent link="world"/>
    <child link="camera_link"/>

Well, I think I found the issue. Somehow, I thought that the camera was displaying along the Z axis of the camera joint frame.

For people that are not clear with how the camera frame works, here is what I found:

The camera joint is what you should care about to position/orient the camera. The link is only for visualization, and actually does not influence how the camera looks at the scene.

The camera is looking in the direction of the X vector of the camera joint frame. The Y vector is in the direction of the width of the image, and the Z vector is in the direction of the height of the image.

So what is really important to set up the camera is to set the joint origin tag xyz and rpy parameters correctly.

More precisely, this part:

  <joint name="camera_joint" type="fixed">
    <axis xyz="0 1 0" />
    <origin xyz="${camera_x} ${camera_y} ${camera_z}" rpy="${camera_roll_angle} 0 ${camera_yaw_angle}"/>
    <parent link="world"/>
    <child link="camera_link"/>

I would also add that the axis tag has no influence on the camera at all in this case. Its only a filler.

Well, I think I found the issue. Somehow, I thought that the camera was displaying along the Z axis of the camera joint frame.

For people that are not clear with how the camera frame works, here is what I found:

The camera joint is what you should care about to position/orient the camera. The link is only for visualization, and actually does not influence how the camera looks at the scene.

The camera is looking in the direction of the X vector of the camera joint frame. The Y vector is in the direction of the width of the image, and the Z vector is in the direction of the height of the image.

So what is really important to set up the camera is to set the joint origin tag xyz and rpy parameters correctly.

More precisely, this part:

  <joint name="camera_joint" type="fixed">
    <axis xyz="0 1 0" />
    <origin xyz="${camera_x} ${camera_y} ${camera_z}" rpy="${camera_roll_angle} 0 ${camera_yaw_angle}"/>
    <parent link="world"/>
    <child link="camera_link"/>

I would also add that the axis axis tag has no influence on the camera at all in this case. Its only a filler.