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initial version

A couple of related discussions can be found here:


In short, it is a known problem which seem to occur when there are orientation constraints (which I failed to mention in the problem...) and has no proper fix at the moment. The current workaround is to use enforce_joint_model_state_space.

The idea of setting explicit joint jump limits was mentioned in the discussion but due to lack of interface for this on OMPL side, this cannot be implemented for the time being.

A couple of related discussions can be found here:


In short, it is a known problem which seem to occur when there are orientation constraints (which I failed to mention in the problem...) and has no proper fix at the moment. The current workaround is to use enforce_joint_model_state_space.

The idea of setting explicit joint jump limits was mentioned in the discussion but due to lack of the interface for this is not available on OMPL side, this thus cannot be implemented for the time being.

A couple of related discussions can be found here:


In short, it is a known problem which seem to occur when there are orientation constraints (which I failed to mention in the problem...) and has no proper fix at the moment. The current workaround is to use enforce_joint_model_state_space.

The idea of setting explicit joint jump limits was mentioned in the discussion but the interface for this is not available on OMPL side, thus cannot be implemented for the time being.