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Hi @ildaniel,

From ROS Melodic you do not need to include the --inorder option when launching Xacro, so you can drop it to avoid that warning:

<param name="robot_description"
   command="$(find xacro)/xacro '$(find husky_description)/urdf/husky.urdf.xacro' arg1:=... />

The last error is due to a lack of arguments, If you look at the value fetched into urdf_extras you will see that it is empty; this is because the value loaded through the launch file is trying to extract it from an enviroment variable that I am sure you did not set in your terminal:

<arg name="urdf_extras" default="$(optenv HUSKY_URDF_EXTRAS/>

If you look closely you will find it is the only argument in that launch file which does not have a default value.

Try to export that variable ans see if that works

