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Hi @jGany,

I am sure this is not a problem of the plugin but you Gazebo contacts. The wheel contacts parameters need to be properly adjusted for Gazebo to produce consistent contact and friction values. Have you checked this tutorials? this and this.

To be more precisse: mu1 and mu2 values are too high. As stated in the SDF specification, those parameters are ratios, hence their values are in between [0,1]. Furthemore, the values kp and kd are used to calculate the ODE inner params called ERP and CFM used to balance the inestability of the simulation. Since I do not know what values are you passing to the the xacro macro I will say try to be consistent with those values. You can learn more about that here.

Usually, you can leave all these values as the defaullt ones, try a simulation iteration and then adjusted them as you may see fit.

Hope that can help you to solve the problem.
