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In my opinion, it is better to implement timers with threads. In your case I would have a class that implements a function that simply waits some time and that can be stopped. If it arrives to the timeout, it turns your variable to False. If you receive a new string, you stop the thread and start it again.

Something like this

def watch_until_string_a(max_time_stopped, stop):
    old_time =
    diff_time = 0

    while diff_time < max_time_stopped and not stop():
        diff_time = - old_time

    if not stop():
        self.a_current = False

then you can start a timer just by doing

    th = threading.Thread(target=self.watch_until, args=(time_before, lambda: stop[0]))

with stop being a list of a single boolean

   stop = [False]

If you want to stop your thread, you just have to change the value of stop to

   stop = [True]

and you thread will stop without changing the value of the variable. Then just wait for them to finish


and you can launch it again.

The code above is for a single string, but you can easily modify it to be used with the two strings (remember that you will need one thread per string). I hope it helps.