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you can simply add a new line with the next values of the array. I.e.

rostopic pub -1 /bms_info_array drone_msg/BatteryStateArray "battery_number: 2
- {temperature: 40.0,  state: 80, voltage: 17.0}
- {temperature: 41.0,  state: 81, voltage: 17.1}"

Note that hitting TAB right after the message type will already provide you with a somewhat more nicely formatted message field.

you can simply add a new line with the next values of the array. I.e.

rostopic pub -1 /bms_info_array drone_msg/BatteryStateArray "battery_number: 2
- {temperature: 40.0,  state: 80, voltage: 17.0}
- {temperature: 41.0,  state: 81, voltage: 17.1}"

Note that hitting TAB right after the message type (don't type the opening apostrophe or anything else) will already provide you with a somewhat more nicely formatted message field.