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1 | initial version |
If you check the QoS profile for sensor_data
you will see that reliability is set to the best effort:
Now, if you add a new visualization to RViz2 it will have reliability policy set to Reliable
by default:
Therefore, just change reliability to Best Effort
If you want to test, you can set --qos-profile
to ros2 topic pub
ros2 topic pub --qos-profile=sensor_data /topic sensor_msgs/Range '{ range: 1, header: { frame_id: base_link } }'
2 | No.2 Revision |
If you check the QoS profile for sensor_data
you will see that reliability is set to the best effort:
Now, if you add a new visualization to RViz2 it will have reliability policy set to Reliable
by default:
Therefore, just change reliability to Best Effort
If you want to test, you can set --qos-profile
to ros2 topic pub
ros2 topic pub --qos-profile=sensor_data /topic sensor_msgs/Range '{ range: 1, header: { frame_id: base_link } }'