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Thanks Felix and AHornung for your answers, I really appreciate your help.

I was thinking to use octomap because of many posts as this one. I do know that's not a 2D map but looks like a good idea.

I was thinking to preload an existing 2D map and then display the pose of my robot. Since I'm 2 weeks-old in ROS, I really don't know how to do it. I didn't find any tutorials on something like that (I may not look to the right place...).

Felix, when you are talking about where to modify the code, your are talking about Rviz code source?

Another question: which roslaunch should I launch if I want to run rviz with my kinect? Because I have tried openni_camera but my rviz GUI is lagging like hell and openni_launch is not working at all...

Thanks again for your helps
