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I did it! It works now! The only thing I had to do to fix the issue was to use a recursive permissions change:

Change permissions:

allenh1@muri-pc7:~/Downloads$ sudo chmod 777 -R /dev/ttyUSB0

Run the p2os_driver:

allenh1@muri-pc7:~/Downloads$ rosrun p2os_driver p2os 
[ INFO] [1339080752.700066535]: using serial port: [/dev/ttyUSB0]
[ INFO] [1339080752.716311926]: P2OS connection opening serial port /dev/ttyUSB0...
[ INFO] [1339080753.118958632]: SYNC0
[ INFO] [1339080753.319249408]: turning off NONBLOCK mode...
[ INFO] [1339080753.519563222]: SYNC1
[ INFO] [1339080753.920032541]: SYNC2
[ INFO] [1339080754.520631021]: Done.
   Connected to Julie_2, a Pioneer P3DX
[ INFO] [1339080756.923499420]: resetting raw positions