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So, I have tried Dmitri's suggestion (setting /odom as frame_id of the map server), but the same error persists.

How could I explicitly publish the /map frame as a parent frame to /odom? Shouldn't the AMCL be responsible for this transformation?

I've also played around with the AMCL parameter use_map_topic, but had no luck.

I am able to bring up the navstack with stage and a static map. Stage is responsible for /odom -> /base_footprint -> /base_link -> /base_laser_link transformations, while AMCL deals with /map -> /odom.

Using the robot, my robot_node takes care of /odom -> /base_link transformation, and I have a static tf_broadcaster taking care of /base_link -> /laser. But the tf from /map to /odom does not exist =(

I've compared all the parameters (AMCL, Local Planner, Global and Local Costmap) but I am not able to find anything suspicious...

Help please!