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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

The problem obviously were the pathes of the dependencies, e.g.:

dependencies {
  compile 'ros.rosjava_core:rosjava:0.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
  compile fileTree (dir: '/home/lejosdev/workspace/snapshot/lib/pc', includes: ['*.jar']) 
  compile fileTree (dir: '/home/lejosdev/workspace/snapshot/lib/pc/3rdparty', includes: ['*.jar']) 

should be corrected to match the path you've installed lejos (line 3) into and the path you've checked out nxt_lejos into (line 4).

The build.gradle files in nxt_lejos_proxy and nxt_lejos_map_server have to be updated accordingly.

Maybe this should be noted in the installation instructions.

The remaining problem is, that the DifferentialNavigationSystem references DifferentialPilot.getTurnRate() which isn't supposed to exist, according to 0.9.1beta Javadoc (nor leJOS_NXJ_0.9.1beta-3_source.tar.gz.

user@ubuntu:~/ros_workspace/nxt_lejos$ gradle installApp
> Building > :nxt_lejos_lcp_proxy:compileJava > Resolving dependencies ':nxt_lej:nxt_lejos_lcp_proxy:compileJava cannot find symbol
symbol  : method getTurnRate()
location: class lejos.robotics.navigation.DifferentialPilot
    od.getTwist().getTwist().getAngular().setZ((moving ? Math.toRadians(df.getTurnRate()): 0));

1 error

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

Is there something like a nightly I could try?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards, Andreas

click to hide/show revision 2
Found one issue; raised another

The problem obviously were the pathes of the dependencies, e.g.:

dependencies {
  compile 'ros.rosjava_core:rosjava:0.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
  compile fileTree (dir: '/home/lejosdev/workspace/snapshot/lib/pc', includes: ['*.jar']) 
  compile fileTree (dir: '/home/lejosdev/workspace/snapshot/lib/pc/3rdparty', includes: ['*.jar']) 

should be corrected to match the path you've installed lejos (line 3) into and the path you've checked out nxt_lejos into (line 4).

The build.gradle files in nxt_lejos_proxy and nxt_lejos_map_server have to be updated accordingly.

Maybe this should be noted in the installation instructions.

The remaining problem is, that the DifferentialNavigationSystem references DifferentialPilot.getTurnRate() which isn't supposed to exist, according to 0.9.1beta Javadoc (nor leJOS_NXJ_0.9.1beta-3_source.tar.gz.

user@ubuntu:~/ros_workspace/nxt_lejos$ gradle installApp
> Building > :nxt_lejos_lcp_proxy:compileJava > Resolving dependencies ':nxt_lej:nxt_lejos_lcp_proxy:compileJava cannot find symbol
symbol  : method getTurnRate()
location: class lejos.robotics.navigation.DifferentialPilot
    od.getTwist().getTwist().getAngular().setZ((moving ? Math.toRadians(df.getTurnRate()): 0));

1 error

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

Is there something like a nightly I could try?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards, Andreas

The problem obviously were the pathes of the dependencies, e.g.:

dependencies {
  compile 'ros.rosjava_core:rosjava:0.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
  compile fileTree (dir: '/home/lejosdev/workspace/snapshot/lib/pc', includes: ['*.jar']) 
  compile fileTree (dir: '/home/lejosdev/workspace/snapshot/lib/pc/3rdparty', includes: ['*.jar']) 

should be corrected to match the path you've installed lejos (line 3) into and the path you've checked out nxt_lejos into (line 4).

The build.gradle files in nxt_lejos_proxy and nxt_lejos_map_server have to be updated accordingly.

Maybe this should be noted in the installation instructions.

The remaining problem is, that the DifferentialNavigationSystem references DifferentialPilot.getTurnRate() which isn't supposed to exist, according to 0.9.1beta Javadoc (nor leJOS_NXJ_0.9.1beta-3_source.tar.gz.

user@ubuntu:~/ros_workspace/nxt_lejos$ gradle installApp
> Building > :nxt_lejos_lcp_proxy:compileJava > Resolving dependencies ':nxt_lej:nxt_lejos_lcp_proxy:compileJava cannot find symbol
symbol  : method getTurnRate()
location: class lejos.robotics.navigation.DifferentialPilot
    od.getTwist().getTwist().getAngular().setZ((moving ? Math.toRadians(df.getTurnRate()): 0));

1 error

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

Is there something like a nightly I could try?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards, Andreas