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I assume that you're using the ROS-Industrial Qt Creator plugin.

When you configure the project there is an option to select which build system to use, and for ROS1 this choice is usually between CatkinMake and CatkinTools. Since your built workspace contains a .catkin_tools directory, this means your project is configured to build using CatkinTools, which does not create a top-level CMakeLists.txt file in the workspace.

If you would like to change which build system the Qt Creator ROS plugin uses for an already-imported workspace, the setting is on the Projects --> Build Settings page:

image description

As far as the warnings go, I've found that the messages printed in the "General Messages" display are usually not very helpful in the context of ROS workspaces, and even if some warnings print there the project may have built successfully. You should look in the "Compile Output" display for info related to the success or failure of your build. I think the particular warning you provided appears when you build a clean workspace for the first time, since the devel directory isn't present at that point.