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Note: rostopic echo can actually print individual fields. The grep should not be needed, nor a custom node.

See the rostopic echo documentation:

echo <topic-name/field>

Display specific fields in a message.

$ rostopic echo /my_topic/field_name

Note: rostopic echo can actually print individual fields. The grep should not be needed, nor a custom node.

See the rostopic echo documentation:

echo <topic-name/field>

Display specific fields in a message.

$ rostopic echo /my_topic/field_name

And see #q54895 for a previous question about this.

For JointState:

rostopic echo /joint_states/position

should work

I made a node (using the rospy tutorial) to subscribe to /joint_states and I want script to print() just the position list for use outside ROS, not the whole topic.

rostopic echo can actually print individual fields. The grep should not be needed, nor a custom node.

See the rostopic echo documentation:

echo <topic-name/field>

Display specific fields in a message.

$ rostopic echo /my_topic/field_name

And see #q54895 for a previous question about this.

For JointState:

rostopic echo /joint_states/position

should work