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I execute following command in a sourced terminal of the autoware package:

rosrun multi_lidar_calibrator multi_lidar_calibrator _points_child_src:=/vlp210/velodyne_points _points_parent_src:=/os_cloud_node/points _x:=0.0 _y:=0.65 _z:=0.0 _roll:=0.01 _pitch:=0.01 _yaw:=1.57079

I am getting following output in the terminal:

[ INFO] [1618564791.395518755]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] points_parent_src: /os_cloud_node/points
[ INFO] [1618564791.399305431]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] points_child_src: /vlp210/velodyne_points
[ INFO] [1618564791.400881924]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] voxel_size: 0.75
[ INFO] [1618564791.402085844]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] ndt_epsilon: 0.01
[ INFO] [1618564791.403269552]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] ndt_step_size: 0.10
[ INFO] [1618564791.404460825]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] ndt_resolution: 1.00
[ INFO] [1618564791.405611919]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] ndt_iterations: 400
[ INFO] [1618564791.414979458]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] Initialization Transform x: 0.00 y: 0.65 z: 0.00 roll: 0.01 pitch: 0.01 yaw: 1.57
[ INFO] [1618564791.418339164]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] Subscribing to... /os_cloud_sensor/points
[ INFO] [1618564791.421268007]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] Subscribing to... /vlp210/velodyne_points
[ INFO] [1618564791.421880733]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] Publishing PointCloud to... /points_calibrated
[ INFO] [1618564791.421981795]: [multi_lidar_calibrator]cloud synchronizer
[ INFO] [1618564791.422111812]: [multi_lidar_calibrator]register callback
[ INFO] [1618564791.422157368]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] Ready. Waiting for data...
[ WARN] [1618564918.198777044]: Messages of type 1 arrived out of order (will print only once)

In rviz the topic /points_calibrated is empty. In the individual topics /vlp210/velodyne_points and /os_cloud_node/points I can see the pointclouds clearly.

I am working with a bag file which contains all three topics (the two velodyne topics and the osuter topic).

If I run the command from above with the other velodyne (/vlp220/velodyne_points) as the _points_parent_src, I get the transformation matrix between the two pointclouds as an output in the terminal and in rviz both pointclouds are shown in the topic /points_calibrated.

I am sorry for don't sharing a screenshot, i don't have enough points for that. And the given Information was too long to add only a comment.

I execute following command in a sourced terminal of the autoware package:

rosrun multi_lidar_calibrator multi_lidar_calibrator _points_child_src:=/vlp210/velodyne_points _points_parent_src:=/os_cloud_node/points _x:=0.0 _y:=0.65 _z:=0.0 _roll:=0.01 _pitch:=0.01 _yaw:=1.57079

I am getting following output in the terminal:

[ INFO] [1618564791.395518755]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] points_parent_src: /os_cloud_node/points
[ INFO] [1618564791.399305431]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] points_child_src: /vlp210/velodyne_points
[ INFO] [1618564791.400881924]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] voxel_size: 0.75
[ INFO] [1618564791.402085844]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] ndt_epsilon: 0.01
[ INFO] [1618564791.403269552]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] ndt_step_size: 0.10
[ INFO] [1618564791.404460825]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] ndt_resolution: 1.00
[ INFO] [1618564791.405611919]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] ndt_iterations: 400
[ INFO] [1618564791.414979458]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] Initialization Transform x: 0.00 y: 0.65 z: 0.00 roll: 0.01 pitch: 0.01 yaw: 1.57
[ INFO] [1618564791.418339164]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] Subscribing to... /os_cloud_sensor/points
[ INFO] [1618564791.421268007]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] Subscribing to... /vlp210/velodyne_points
[ INFO] [1618564791.421880733]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] Publishing PointCloud to... /points_calibrated
[ INFO] [1618564791.421981795]: [multi_lidar_calibrator]cloud synchronizer
[ INFO] [1618564791.422111812]: [multi_lidar_calibrator]register callback
[ INFO] [1618564791.422157368]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] Ready. Waiting for data...
[ WARN] [1618564918.198777044]: Messages of type 1 arrived out of order (will print only once)

In rviz the topic /points_calibrated is empty. In the individual topics /vlp210/velodyne_points and /os_cloud_node/points I can see the pointclouds clearly.

I am working with a bag file which contains all three topics (the two velodyne topics and the osuter topic).

If I run the command from above with the other velodyne (/vlp220/velodyne_points) as the _points_parent_src, I get the transformation matrix between the two pointclouds as an output in the terminal and in rviz both pointclouds are shown in the topic /points_calibrated.

I am sorry for don't sharing a screenshot, i don't have enough points for that. And the given Information was too long to add only a comment.

I execute following command in a sourced terminal of the autoware package:

rosrun multi_lidar_calibrator multi_lidar_calibrator _points_child_src:=/vlp210/velodyne_points _points_parent_src:=/os_cloud_node/points _x:=0.0 _y:=0.65 _z:=0.0 _roll:=0.01 _pitch:=0.01 _yaw:=1.57079

I am getting following output in the terminal:

[ INFO] [1618564791.395518755]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] points_parent_src: /os_cloud_node/points
[ INFO] [1618564791.399305431]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] points_child_src: /vlp210/velodyne_points
[ INFO] [1618564791.400881924]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] voxel_size: 0.75
[ INFO] [1618564791.402085844]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] ndt_epsilon: 0.01
[ INFO] [1618564791.403269552]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] ndt_step_size: 0.10
[ INFO] [1618564791.404460825]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] ndt_resolution: 1.00
[ INFO] [1618564791.405611919]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] ndt_iterations: 400
[ INFO] [1618564791.414979458]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] Initialization Transform x: 0.00 y: 0.65 z: 0.00 roll: 0.01 pitch: 0.01 yaw: 1.57
[ INFO] [1618564791.418339164]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] Subscribing to... /os_cloud_node/points
[ INFO] [1618564791.421268007]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] Subscribing to... /vlp210/velodyne_points
[ INFO] [1618564791.421880733]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] Publishing PointCloud to... /points_calibrated
[ INFO] [1618564791.421981795]: [multi_lidar_calibrator]cloud synchronizer
[ INFO] [1618564791.422111812]: [multi_lidar_calibrator]register callback
[ INFO] [1618564791.422157368]: [multi_lidar_calibrator] Ready. Waiting for data...
[ WARN] [1618564918.198777044]: Messages of type 1 arrived out of order (will print only once)

In rviz the topic /points_calibrated is empty. In the individual topics /vlp210/velodyne_points and /os_cloud_node/points I can see the pointclouds clearly.

I am working with a bag file which contains all three topics (the two velodyne topics and the osuter topic).

If I run the command from above with the other velodyne (/vlp220/velodyne_points) as the _points_parent_src, I get the transformation matrix between the two pointclouds as an output in the terminal and in rviz both pointclouds are shown in the topic /points_calibrated.

And the ouster lidar is 64 channel and the velodyne a 16 channel.

I am sorry for don't sharing a screenshot, i don't have enough points for that. And the given Information was too long to add only a comment.