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I believe the issue is my_broadcaster1 is publishing a transform from world->odom while there is also a map->odom transform. That means odom would have 2 parent frames. See this question.

Essentially you cannot have multiple parent transforms for a link. The usual solution is to invert one of the transforms. In this case try switching my_broadcaster1 to publish odom->world instead of world->odom.

Hope this helps!

I believe the issue is my_broadcaster1 is publishing a transform from world->odom while there is also a map->odom transform. That means odom would have 2 parent frames. See this question.

Essentially you cannot have multiple parent transforms for a link. The usual solution is to invert one of the transforms. In this case try switching my_broadcaster1 to publish odom->world instead of world->odom.

EDIT: Sorry, just looked a bit closer. Did you previously have my_broadcaster1 publishing a map->odom transform? If so, this may be a remnant of the old broadcaster. This can happen if you leave a roscore running in between launch changes. Try killing all ros related processes and relaunch. Another issue could be that you have another my_broadcaster1 in your launchfile. There should some error output in the terminal if this is the issue. You can try adding a required="true" tag to that node so the launchfile exits on a failure of this node.

Hope this helps!