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1 | initial version |
but there's got to be some way to use pip, otherwise why even support it in the rosdistro?
unless something has changed recently, packages with pip
dependencies can't be released through the ROS buildfarm.
2 | No.2 Revision |
but there's got to be some way to use pip, otherwise why even support it in the rosdistro?
unless something has changed recently, packages with pip
dependencies can't be released through the ROS buildfarm.
Edit: well, in ROS 1 we had catkin_virtualenv, which sort-of made it possible. But that really only worked well for leaf packages, which I don't believe tf_transformations
3 | No.3 Revision |
Bloom an ament_python package with Pip Dependencies
unless something has changed recently, packages with pip
dependencies can't be released through the ROS buildfarm, afaik as the dpkg-buildpackage
pipeline doesn't allow / support it.
but there's got to be some way to use pip, otherwise why even support it in the rosdistro?
unless something has changed recently, packages with you're referring to the
entries in the pip-piprosdep
db? Those are there to facilitate builds from-source in a Catkin/Colcon workspace (installing dependencies can't be released through the ROS buildfarm.using rosdep
Edit: well, in ROS 1 we had catkin_virtualenv, which sort-of made it possible. But that really only worked well for leaf packages, which I don't believe tf_transformations
4 | No.4 Revision |
Bloom an ament_python package with Pip Dependencies
unless something has changed recently, packages with pip
dependencies can't be released through the ROS buildfarm, afaik as because the dpkg-buildpackage
pipeline doesn't allow / support it.
but there's got to be some way to use pip, otherwise why even support it in the rosdistro?
you're referring to the -pip
entries in the rosdep
db? Those are there to facilitate builds from-source in a Catkin/Colcon workspace (installing dependencies using rosdep
Edit: well, in ROS 1 we had catkin_virtualenv, which sort-of made it possible. But that really only worked well for leaf packages, which I don't believe tf_transformations
5 | No.5 Revision |
Bloom an ament_python package with Pip Dependencies
unless something has changed recently, packages with pip
dependencies can't be released through the ROS buildfarm, afaik because the dpkg-buildpackage
pipeline doesn't allow / support it.
but there's got to be some way to use pip, otherwise why even support it in the rosdistro?
you're referring to the -pip
entries in the rosdep
db? Those are there to facilitate builds from-source in a Catkin/Colcon workspace (installing dependencies using rosdep
Edit: well, in ROS 1 we had catkin_virtualenv, which sort-of made it possible. possible to release Python pkgs with pip
dependencies. But that really only worked well for leaf packages, which I don't believe tf_transformations