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Couple of things to try / check:

  1. Does the file /home/sanket/.rviz/config exist?
  2. What are its permissions?
  3. Check out one of the many other threads with 'rviz' and 'segfault' in their title: 1, 2, 3, etc.
  4. Check the rviz troubleshooting section on its wiki.

Another option (perhaps the first) is to run rviz in GDB. Then get a backtrace. It seems you have coredumps enabled, so you could do a post-mortem debugging session (see here for some info (just a random link, just use a search engine for more)).

Couple of things to try / check:

  1. Does the file /home/sanket/.rviz/config exist?
  2. What are its permissions?
  3. Is it corrupted / damaged in any way?
  4. If it exists, remove it, try again.
  5. Check out one of the many other threads with 'rviz' and 'segfault' in their title: 1, 2, 3, etc.
  6. Check the rviz troubleshooting section on its wiki.

Another option (perhaps the first) is to run rviz in GDB. Then get a backtrace. It seems you have coredumps enabled, so you could do a post-mortem debugging session (see here for some info (just a random link, just use a search engine for more)).